Penerapan Teknologi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Informasi Dan Simulasi Tes Praktik Pada Pembuatan Sim C Berbasis Android
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Fadlan, Sani Mubarok
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-10 08:04:52 
Abstract :
A driver's license (SIM) is one of the requirements that must be met for vehicle users, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. To get a driver's license, drivers are required to take an exam, either a theory test, a driving test using a simulator or a practical exam. The survey conducted to young people aged 17-31 years, 76 of 82.9% of people think that there is a need for innovation in conveying information about practical tests on SIM making. Therefore, this study aims to create information media applications and practice test Simulations on SIM making with Marker Based Augmented Reality technology. Augmented Reality technology is a combination of 2D objects with 3D objects. In general, this technology is real time, and virtual objects are usually in the form of 3 dimensions that are combined in a real environment. So this application is expected to help the public in providing information and Simulations regarding SIM C making, of course in a visual form that is more interactive and easy to understand. . The method used in this research is MDLC. The results of user satisfaction Testing carried out on 35 respondents using the SUS (System Usability Scale) method, the average value of the respondents was 79.29, so the user acceptance level was in the Acceptable category, the grade Scale was category B and the adjective rating was in the Excellent category, it can be concluded The AR SIM C Simulation application has good quality, so the features and information about the SIM C practice test presented can be well received and used by users. Keyword : Augmented Reality, Unity, SIM, MDLC, System Usability Scale 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto