Perancangan Aplikasi Android “Satria” Pendukung Smart City Di Kabupaten Banyumas Dengan Metode Sekuensial Linear
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Hary, Indra Permana
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-10 08:46:41 
Abstract :
Banyumas is one of the regencies of Central Java Province. At this time Banyumas Regency has implemented several action plans in the process of building a smart city, including building an information sistem that can simplify people's lives, but to access the information sistem requires many stages so it requires an information sistem. sistem that can shorten the time to access the information sistem. In this research, we will apply a linear sequential method to build an application that integrates existing websites in Banyumas Regency and also has features in the form of geographic information and live streaming of public CCTV in traffic on Banyumas Regency. Furthermore, this application is named the SATRIA application. In the test results on this application, the output for testing functionality with the blackbox method gain a feasibility percentage of 99.5% which can be concluded that all features in the application can run according to their functions. As for usability testing with the Sistem Usability Scale (SUS) an average score of 81.8 can be concluded that users are satisfied with the features offered in this application, based on these results it can also be concluded that this application gets grade A on the SUS score percentile rank. Keywords : Application, Banyumas, CCTV, Satria, Service 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto