Implementasi Logika Fuzzy Mamdani Pada PH Air Dalam Sistem Otomatisasi Suhu Dan PH Air Aquascape Ikan Guppy
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Diaz, Aztisyah
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-13 03:28:27 
Abstract :
Currently, aquascape is a new trend and hobby for ornamental fish hobbyists, because aquascapes can create beautiful underwater landscapes by arranging rocks, corals, sand, and aquatic plants. There are several aspects that need to be considered, for example the suitability of fish with existing components in the aquascape. One type of ornamental fish that can be used is guppy fish. This fish is a tropical freshwater ornamental fish that can grow at temperatures between 27°C - 30°C, water pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.2, ammonia levels <0.2 mg/L, and dissolved oxygen levels ranging from 3 – 6.8 mg/L. However, due to the busyness and routine of aquascapers, this becomes a problem for the growth of the aquascape ecosystem, where it causes water quality which is the main determinant of guppy fish maintenance to become unstable. Therefore, an automatic control system will be created that can stabilize the temperature and pH of the aquascape water by applying a Mamdani fuzzy logic intelligent system by applying input from both sensors, namely, calibrated temperature and pH sensors to detect temperature values and detect the degree of acidity of water in the aquascape. The error and dError values of pH become inputs for the application of Mamdani fuzzy logic. From the test results, the temperature reading on the DS18B20 sensor with a mercury thermometer comparison gets an error percentage of 1.4136%, the pH reading on the SKU:SEN0161 pH sensor with a digital pH meter comparison gets an error percentage of 0.6813%, and the fuzzy value reading with a matlab comparison gets an error percentage by 0.7246% Keyword : Aquascape, Sensor DS18B20, Sensor pH, Fuzzy Mamdani 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto