Pengembangan Desain Aplikasi Marketplace Koperasi Menggunakan Design Thinking
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Irfan, Mulyana Abdillah
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-08-30 04:45:02 
Abstract :
Cooperatives are part of achieving a prosperous economic life which is intended for members or the surrounding community. Cooperative itself is an institution with human assets, meaning that the members in a cooperative are not limited. Then, this research is taken based on problems in cooperatives where local business growth is widespread, sellers depend on how cooperative products are sold, expanding personal businesses by setting up online stores requires additional costs both marketing and development, and the image of cooperatives is considered old-fashioned by the millennial generation. Therefore, cooperatives in the digital era need to adapt and transform in the face of an environment that is always dynamic according to technological advances. Therefore, with the development of the growth of smartphones and the internet, it can be used as a solution to overcome the above problems, one of which is the development of a marketplace application with a market system in which the design thinking method is used. Design thinking itself is a product design method based on innovation in problem solving which is human centered by going through several stages, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test. So the role of the user is very crucial in this approach because the output from the design will be used by the user. Based on the results of further evaluation of the Marketplace application of agents and members using a system usability scale questionnaire, the results obtained are 63.50 for agent applications and 64.00 for member applications which are more satisfactory than the previous test. However, the evaluation is still below 68 based on hypothesis testing so that improvements need to be made. Keyword: technology, marketplace, design thinking, and human 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto