Permainan Kartu Sila Sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Pkn Kelas Iv Di Sdit Assalamah Ungaran
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Ristiana, Suci Wulandari
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-08-30 06:10:36 
Abstract :
One of the success rates of learning depends on the learning media used. It is necessary to select good, effective, and appropriate learning media in order to produce good quality learning. In general, one of the most effective and preferred learning media by students is picture cards. Based on the results of interviews and observations in case studies at SDIT Assalamah Ungaran, it shows that the use of learning media used in Civics Class IV learning is not optimal and effective. Students are looking forward to the presence of learning media that brings togetherness with their friends in the learning process. In the use of learning media, there is still no physical learning media. In addition, based on the Pancasila and Citizenship Education teacher manual, teachers must prepare learning media in learning activities on materials related to the meaning and values of Pancasila. The learning media chosen by the teacher is the media of pictures related to the implementation of the meaning and values of Pancasila. From the problem of efforts to increase the effectiveness and optimize learning media in Civics Subjects, a learning media card with the theme of Pancasila values is designed as a learning media for students that is used to assist in an effective learning process for students, namely the sila card. The precept card is an educational card for Pancasila values. The method used is a qualitative research method which aims to explain and find out a problem in detail. The approach used in this research is descriptive, which aims to enable researchers to describe the conditions that will be observed in the field specifically and in depth. Data collection techniques used to obtain research data using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis method in this study uses SWOT analysis. Then this design concept uses Jesse Schell's theory which explains mechanics, story, aesthetics, and technology. The result of this design is a card game as the main media which is equipped with illustrations of the application of Pancasila values in daily life in accordance with the sound of precepts 1 to 5. On each card and supported by supporting media in the form of poster packaging, hats, stands , etc. Keywords: learning media, Pancasila values, card game 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto