Perancangan Ilm Sebagai Pengenalandan Pencegahan Baby Blues Di Kotabekasimelalui Media Booklet
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dhea, Andra Rahmadani
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-08-30 07:07:15 
Abstract :
The number of infant deaths in Bekasi City has increased in recent years. Some of theinfant mortality cases are caused by mothers experiencing baby blues. Hormonal changes in postpartum mothers are one of the causes of baby blues. In addition, babyblues can also be caused by a lack of support from family and close relatives. Thebaby blues condition must be handled quickly and appropriately so that it does not get worse and cause the child to become a victim. The first step to reduce the number of baby blues cases is to provide introductionandeducation to pregnant women, mothers who will give birth and relatives of thesemothers. Education will be packaged in a booklet that presents several chapters of basic discussion about the baby blues. The results showed that the understanding of the baby blues was very low. Nevertheless, counseling about the baby blues must be further improved. Withtheaddition of knowledge about baby blues for the people of Bekasi City. Will af ect thenumber of baby blues cases in Bekasi City. Keywords: Bekasi City, Baby blues, Education, Booklet 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto