Rancang Bangun Desain Aplikasi Bank Sampah Menggunakan Metode User Experience Lifecycle (Studi Kasus : Desa Kalibagor)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Vicky, Febiola Amanda Puspa
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-09-06 06:20:39 
Abstract :
Rubbish is the remaining material that is not used after the end of a process. The existence of waste has become a problem that is being faced by all countries in the world, especially in waste that cannot be recycled naturally or takes a very long time to decompose. The problem of waste management has become a familiar thing to observe, not least in Indonesia. This study focuses on the Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) Kalibagor Village which is trying to develop aspects of the village economy through organic and inorganic household waste processing business units. MyTrash application is an android based waste management application. This application can help increase public awareness of waste by converting waste into economic value and can help the government in reducing waste in Indonesia, especially in Kalibagor Village. Based on these problems, the MyTrash application needs to be developed using the User Experience Lifecycle (UXL) method that focuses on users. There are 4 stages in the UXL method namely, analysis, design, prototype, and evaluation. At the analysis stage, discussions, interviews, and surveys have been carried out with respondents who are KSM officers, the problems that have been obtained are then converted into application prototypes that are suitable and can be used by users. The application prototype that has been made is then tested on the respondents using the Moderated Usability Testing and SUS methods. The results of testing the MyTrash application prototype got a positive response and an average SUS score of 75.5 which was included in the good category (class B). Keywords: Application Design, User Experience, User Experience Lifecycle, Moderated Usability Scale, System Usability Scale. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto