Perancangan Dan Evaluasi Usability Aplikasi Pengenalan Pahlawan Daerah Banyumas Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Gamification Dan Use Questionnaire
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Lutfi, Hanif Imannudin
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-09-19 02:49:37 
Abstract :
A national hero is someone who fights against restrictions in the area that is now the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia who died in order to defend the nation and state. The struggles and sacrifices made by the heroes mean a lot to the people of Indonesia, the independence that Indonesians enjoy today is thanks to the services of the heroes. Based on the survey results, the current problem is the tendency that many children from the Banyumas area today do not know the heroes of the Banyumas area. Hero education has been done a lot, but mostly only learning through history books or hero dictionaries. But the use of this method is considered less attractive and less motivating for children to learn about the heroes of the Banyumas area. It is necessary to provide interesting and accessible education about the heroes themselves, especially the heroes of the Banyumas area for the younger generation in the Banyumas area itself. The gamification method is very suitable to be used in learning the introduction of Banyumas regional heroes because gamification applies elements such as level, score, challenge, and achievement. Based on previous research, gamification can increase the learning motivation of young people, both motivation that comes from within the individual and motivation that comes from the influence of the external environment and can also change the child's personality in learning activities. This research will utilize gamification learning in the delivery of the material in the form of a web-based game application to recognize Banyumas regional heroes, which aims to provide education and increase children's motivation to learn about Banyumas regional heroes. This study involved 100 respondents of children aged between 8 to 14 years. This study will use the USE Questionnaire to develop the usability of the prototype. The usability value of the prototype that has been made in this study is 87.28% which means that the prototype that has been made is included in the "very feasible" category.. Keywords: Gamification , Hero, Learning, Prototype, USE Questionnaire 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto