Implementasi Mobile Forensik Pada Aplikasi Michat Dan Telegram Dengan Metode Nist 800-101
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Nadia, Ayu Isroh Maniar
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-09-19 03:23:09 
Abstract :
Socializing online through social media allows people to communicate with each other without the constraints of space and time. One application that is now widely misused is the MiChat and Telegram applications, many cases of online prostitution have been found using this application because it is easily accessible because it can send photos and videos. The MiChat and Telegram applications were chosen because based on data from KPAI, the MiChat application is the most widely used online media in the crime of sexual exploitation and human trafficking, while Telegram is one of the instant messenger applications most often used by Indonesians to exchange communications. With the existence of many crimes through social media, this research takes cases of online prostitution that have occurred a lot by utilizing an application. Evidence of cybercrime crimes can be in the form of electronic evidence and digital evidence. Electronic evidence can be in the physical form of the electronic device, while digital evidence can be in the form of document files, history files, or log files containing related data. The results of this study using the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-101 Revision 1 method showed that using the FTK Imager tool was more used to obtain evidence, while the Mobiledit Forensic tool was less. Not only tools can affect but the application to be tested can also affect the results to be obtained because each application has different security such as the Telegram application in the results of this study getting little evidence compared to the MiChat application. The results obtained in this study are in the form of conversational messages, images, videos and voice notes. Keywords : NIST, Telegram, MiChat, Digital Forensics, Cybercrime 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto