Perancangan Desain Pada Aplikasi My School Menggunakan Metode Lean Ux
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Mawar, Auliya Insani
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-09-19 04:47:51 
Abstract :
Currently, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Tangerang Regency has problems in paying tuition fees and memorizing chapters 30 as a mandatory requirement for school graduation. The system used today uses a manual and simple method by using receipts and memorization cards provided by the school. This makes students find it difficult in terms of managing the track record of fees and memorization that students take. Not only students, but teachers find it difficult because they don't have a clear track record related to payments or memorization where the receipt or memorizing card can be torn, wet and even lost. Based on these problems, technology is needed that can assist students and teachers in managing the track record of paying tuition fees and memorizing al-quran juz 30. The technology uses the lean UX Application Design My School using the lean UX. Using the lean UX will make it easier for the school to get faster feedback from students and develop systems that do not yet exist in the school. In conducting this research, namely usability testing using a USE Questionnaire which states that the prototype can be used easily which states that the prototype is categorized as very feasible because the results obtained from the calculation of the USE Questionnaire with the average value of usability from the teacher's questionnaire is 63% and The usability of the student questionnaire is 76% based on the percentage in table 2 that 61% to 80% is said to be in the appropriate category or in the sense that the my school can be well received by respondents. Keywords: User Interface, Lean UX, USE Questionnaire, Design, and Usability 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto