Analisis Emosi Wisatawan Menggunakan Metode Lexicon Text Analysis (Studi Kasus : Objek Wisata Di Barlingmascakeb)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dea, Caesy Rahmadani
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-09-22 07:22:44 
Abstract :
Many tourists often write comments on Google Map accounts about tourist attractions in Banjarnegara Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, and Kebumen (BARLINGMASCAKEB) These comments contain a lot of information related to the tourist experience that has not been used for tourism management. The abundance of commentary data generated by tourists produces useful information for the sustainability of the tourism industry. The sentence in a comment has information related to the opinion or experience of the traveler Information from a collected comments can be extracted using the text analysis method. One of the functions of text analysis is to analyze polarity or sentiment, generally in positive and negative sentiments However, sentiment can be deepened into eight types of emotions. This study aims to determine the emotions shown by tourists in BARLINGMASCAKEB. This study uses a commentary dataset from ten tourist attractions in BARLINGMASCAKEB The method used is Lexicon Emotion Analysis. The results of the analysis show that the majority of tourists from the ten tourism objects show "joy" and "trust" emotions. The words "Joy" and "most" have positive meanings so that it can be said that the majority of tourists show positive emotions. The Benteng Pendem tourism object presents the emotion of "trust as the highest emotion of 27.41% Aquarium Purbasari Pancuran Mas presents the highest "joy emotions with an emergence rate of 33 52% and anticipation of 28.05% The Jenggala waterfall tourism object presents the highest emotion of surprise which is 9 48% However, there are also tourism objects that have a negative emotional percentage namely Sikidang Crater tourism object with a percentage of anger emotions of 12.00% sad at 9.70% disgust hy 7.37% and fear" by 9:38% Aspects of the tourist experience based on the word cloud that has been done can be seen from the most dominant keywords. Purbasan Pancuran Max Aquarium raises the word "child" which indicates the object as a tourism suitable for children Fact Fendem raises the word "history" with an indication of the object as a historic building Ama temple brings up the words "good" and "cold" fo Aruna Temple, the word "good" becomes the dominant word Sikadong Crater brings up the words "good" and "ulfur" Baturraden Botanical Gardens coined the words "good" and "cool" according to the tourist experience Asri Valley Serang raises the words "cool" and "good" Menguni Beach raises the words "good w "sand" and beat which describes the tourist affraction The World Monours Park conjures up the word "good and family Sunggaheri Reptile Fark gave rise to the words "children" und "education This research is expected to give a contribution in the academic world, especially in the field of text analysis for FON/DRY sector Keywords Review Emotion Analesis. Tartu: Google Map: Test Moning 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto