Prototype Pengukuran Parameter Konduktivitas Listrik & Kelembaban Tanah Berbasis Lora
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dwi, Y Resnata
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-03 05:38:30 
Abstract :
Agricultural areas are the main source of meeting food needs. Meanwhile, there are several problems that are often faced by farmers, especially when the dry season arrives, one of which is the decreasing availability of water which will cause salinity in the soil. In agricultural areas, each land requires different water depending on the existing land conditions, whether the land is included in the dry, semi-dry, or wet category as well as the level of rhythmicity, this final project makes a prototype to find out the content in agricultural land so that farmers can produce good harvest quality. The test results showed that the sensor accuracy in the EC parameters still had errors and tended to experience minuses from the range of -1312.84491% to -5759.368% in the 3 soil samples tested. In the test results of the humidity parameter sensor, it obtained a value of 87.645% to 89.162% almost close to the 100% accuracy level. Keywords: Soil moisture, electrical conductivity, LoRa 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto