Monitoring Hand Sanitizer Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Berat Dan Alat Ukur Suhu Tubuh Berbasis Iot (Internet Of Things)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dendy, Widya Atmaja
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-05 03:52:19 
Abstract :
The covid-19 virus was caused by a seafood wholesaler in Wuhan, China. This virus spread very quickly throughout the world, including Indonesia. This virus is known to make people have to maintain cleanliness, especially hand hygiene. From this explanation, the author designed an automatic hand sanitizer that is equipped with a body temperature measuring device to reduce physical contact when using hand sanitizer in public places. The sensors used are the weight sensor which functions to monitor the contents of the hand sanitizer, the IR sensor detects the presence of hands, and the MLX90614 sensor to measure body temperature. The result of this research is that the tool functions well. monitoring test results are carried out by measuring from 0% - 100%. For testing the weight sensor itself by weighing several objects, namely motor drives, hand drills, and glass mineral water with an average accuracy of 98.62%. for testing the IR sensor can function properly because it can detect hands well. for the test results, the MLX90614 sensor has an average accuracy of 99.23%. For monitoring the contents of the hand sanitizer, it can be seen on Google Firebase and also a simple android application made using MIT App Inventor. For how this tool works, when the IR sensor and MLX90614 sensor detect the presence of a hand, the water pump will turn on and release the contents of the hand sanitizer while the results of the temperature reading using the MLX90614 sensor will be displayed using seven segments. Keywords : Hand Sanitizer, Automatic, Load Cell, IR Sensor, Sensor MLX90614, Seven Segment, Firebase 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto