Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming Study Kasus Pt Aim Purwokerto
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Yohanes, Richardianto
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-05 06:04:55 
Abstract :
PT AIM Purwokerto is a company engaged in providing medical equipment that focuses on the needs of laboratory materials. One of the existing business processes at PT AIM Purwokerto is to sell goods and manage inventory. With the development of PT AIM Purwokerto, more and more clients must be served by marketing. With the increasing number of clients that must be served by marketing, marketing also feels overwhelmed and sometimes makes mistakes in serving clients. Like an error in the process of ordering goods, where the order for goods is made by the client by sending a Whatsapp message to marketing and then marketing will input data on the order of goods from clint into the daily order form before it is given to the admin for processing. However, due to the large number of clients that must be served, marketing sometimes makes mistakes in inputting order data which usually results in delivery errors or packages being exchanged with other packages. With this website-based system, it is intended to reduce marketing errors in inputting orders for goods and make it easier for admins to manage goods. In this study the author will use the Extreme programming approach and in coding this system will use the CodeIgniter framework, boostrap, and MySQL as the database. System testing will be carried out using the Black Box method which focuses on system functionality. Based on system testing using Black Box shows that the results of 64 scenarios there are 58 successful scenarios and 6 unsuccessful scenarios. Thus it can be said that this information system has been running well, as evidenced by the level of effectiveness which shows the number of 90.6% in its success. Keyword : ordering, Extreme programming, CodeIgniter , MySQL, bootstrap 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto