Pengembangan Aplikasi Wadah Aspirasi Masyarakat Desa Kalibagor Berbasis Website Dengan Metode Extreme Programming
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Luqman, Fattah Nadin
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-17 07:27:19 
Abstract :
Community service is a task that must be carried out by the government. However, community services in Kalibagor Village, especially in responding to aspirations and complaints, are carried out manually using written media and submitted through the media suggestion box. One of the factors that influence the delivery of aspirations is the time and distance between the house and the village office as a barrier for the community to express their aspirations. Based on these problems, Kalibagor Village accommodates to make it easier for the community to express their aspirations, both criticism, and suggestions. The website-based application for the aspirations of the Kalibagor Village community is a solution to overcome the problems that have been described. This application was built using the Extreme Programming method. Based on this research, it produces an aspiration container application that can accommodate aspirations, criticisms, and suggestions, users can also like or like aspirations and comment on submitted aspirations, and there is an admin to manage information and user data contained in the community aspiration container application. Based on the results of tests carried out using the black box testing method, the average value of 100% is in a good category, so the application of the community aspiration container is suitable for use by village officials in providing services for aspirations and public complaints along with the features that exist in the application for community aspirations. well and in accordance with the expectations desired in this study. Keywords: Information System, aspirations, website, extreme programming 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto