Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan Surat Keputusan Dan Peraturan Desa Menggunakan Metode Prototype (Studi Kasus: Kantor Balai Desa Kalibagor)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Endah, Purboningsih
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-31 06:38:23 
Abstract :
The development of the times in the current era of globalization, information systems using sophisticated computer technology will help make it easier for us to manage data that can save time, space and costs. A fast and proper management of data and information is one of the important things of government agency. The filing process at the Kantor Balai Desa Kalibagor is still done manually, by storing archive files, decrees and village regulations separately according to each year. The website, it is hoped that it can help Kantor Balai Desa Kalibagor employees to be able to improve performance in the fields of archives, decrees and village regulations. Therefore, the authors create an information system in the form of an archiving website that will maximize the performance of the Kantor Balai Desa Kalibagor employees. The method used in making this archiving website is to use the Prototype Method. The Prototype testing stage will be tested using the Alpha Beta method. The flow and the step that used are : identifying the needs of the user, Prototype developments, determining Prototype, and the use of the Prototype. The results of this study are in the form of a website-based Archive System Prototype which is later expected to help simplify the process of managing data at the Kantor Balai Desa Kalibagor. Keywords: Archive, Prototype, Alpha Beta, Website, Government 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto