Abstract :
Field Work Practice Information System (PKL) Faculty of Informatics Telkom Institute of Technology Purwokerto is a website designed for students which has a function for the purposes of data collection in the implementation of PKL. However, from the entire menu provided, there are some menus that can not be used optimally so it is questionable how the level of satisfaction from the website. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of user satisfaction and identify what factors are the constraints of users in using the website so as to know the right advice to develop the website. This study uses the approach of EUCS (End User Computing Satisfaction) method which has five attributes, namely content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. The EUCS method offers a powerful and simple explanation for user behaviour based on user experience. The sample measurement was conducted in this study using a slovin formula with respondents of 86 students who have used the website PKL Faculty of Informatics. Respondents ' answers were measured using a likert scale with data that first measured the validity test and reliability test using the help of SPSS software. Respondents ' answers also converted the value of the questionnaire statement into a scale of user satisfaction. Then the results obtained are the overall average value of users who are satisfied with obtaining an average satisfaction score of 3.5. Attribute content obtain an average value of 3.6 that is included in the category of satisfied, attribute accuracy obtain an average value of 4.2 that is included in the category of very satisfied, attribute format obtain a number 3.4 that is included in the category of satisfied, attribute ease of use obtain a number 3.4 that is included in the category of satisfied, attribute timeliness obtain a number 3.4 that is included in the category of satisfied. Recommendations given in the form of improving the services available, prioritised on the attributes of content, format, and ease of use because there are several services that obtain a sufficient level of satisfaction by users, especially students. Keywords : End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method, Information System, Information System PKL Faculty of Informatics, User Satisfaction.