Abstract :
Bantarsoka Village is one of the villages in Purwokerto Barat District, Banyumas Regency. Archive management and storage activities in Bantarsoka Village are still carried out conventionally such as storage that uses a stopmap and then arranged in shelves. This has resulted in difficult archive management activities in Bantarsoka Village, for example, such as the difficulty of finding the archives needed in a short time. Based on these problems, research was conducted on the Design and Build of a Website-Based Digital Archive Information System Using the Extreme Programming Method (Case Study: Bantarsoka Village), with the aim of facilitating the duties of village staff and helping the service process become more organized. This research begins with collecting data in discussions, interviews and literature studies on previous related research. The construction of this information system is carried out using the Extreme Programming method, for system modeling using Unified Modelling Language and for system testing using the Black Box Test method. As for coding this system using the CodeIgniter 4 framework. This research resulted in an information system that can help village staff in terms of managing and storing archives in Bantarsoka Village. Keywords: Information Systems, Websites, Archives, Extreme Programming