Abstract :
Inventory management is an activity carried out by a company that is needed in making decisions so that the need for materials or goods for the purposes of company activities both production and sales can be fulfilled optimally with the smallest possible risk. Inventory that is too large (over stock) is a waste because it causes storage and maintenance costs that are too high during storage in the warehouse. This study will design an application for making inventory applications at the CV company. priyamitra independently by applying the prototype method. Prototyping is an iterative process in systems development where requirements are transformed into a working system that is continuously improved through collaboration between the developer and the client. prototypes can also be built through several development tools to simplify the process. Alpha is a test that aims to ensure that the application being tested can run smoothly without any errors or bugs. Beta is a direct test in the real environment by distributing questionnaires that will be calculated to draw conclusions on the assessment of the application that is built. This research produces an androidbased system with the aim of facilitating data collection anywhere and anytime. Keywords: Inventory management, Inventory, Prototyping, Alpha, Beta