Pengembangan Desain Aplikasi Mobile Unit Pamsimas Menggunakan Metode Activity Centered Design (Studi Kasus Desa Kalibagor)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Haidar, ‘Adiy Dzaky
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-11-03 04:00:18 
Abstract :
Kalibagor village located in Banyumas regency, Central Java. The village located in Kaliobagor district, it has a business section called BUMDes. One of them is PAMSIMAS wich is running on clean water ditributions. There are some stakehoders that involved in PAMSIMAS, first one is the village apparatus as supervisor, the second one is couple of villagers that pointed as officer, and the last one is villagers as the consumer. The monitoring includes checking consumer bill and publishing the bill. The officer?s job is to measure and note the water usage debit on every user houses. The monitoring actually has been done using desktop applicatin, but the application still has some lacks on it. This research purpose is to develop the old desktop application, to be mobile application called ?PamPay?. The new application has three different designs according the three kind of users, which is admin, officer, and consumers. The designing process will apply Activity Centered Design method. The process inside ACD is to break down some actifities into tasks, actions, and operations. The complete designs will be evaluated using Usability Test. The evaluated design will be implemented on front-end side. The results of this research is that ACD method can be used on developing an application design considering the functionality side. The evaluation result says the effectivity rate on admin and officer design is 100%, while the consumer design has 96% effectivity rate. System Usability Scale quisionaire also given to user, and the result is B grade according to Sauro-Lewis Scale. Key word : UI/UX, PAMSIMAS, Mobile, ACD (Activity-Centered Design), Usability Test 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto