Abstract :
PT. Juahn Indonesia is a manufacturing industry located in Brebes Regency, Central Java. PT Juahn Indonesia has many customers, one of the customers is PT. Helmindo, the product is in the form of a helmet frame. The quality of the M300 Helmet Shell product has a defect percentage value of 5%, therefore it can be stated that the M300 Helmet Shell product exceeds the standard limit set by the company by 4%. This study aims to analyze the production process of the M300 Helmet Shell is already within the control limits or not and also to find out the types of defects and their causes that cause damage to the M300 Helmet Shell product. In processing the data in this study using the Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method, namely by making check sheets, Pareto diagrams, control charts, and fishbones. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the types of damage that occur in the M300 Helmet Shell product are the types of defects in Silver, Short Mold, Sink Mark, Burry, and Flow Mark. The causes of damage to the Silver type are in terms of humans, machines, materials, and methods in the production process. The proposed improvement aims to minimize the occurrence of defective products in the M300 Helmet Shell product, namely selecting material quality, checking the machine regularly and periodically, briefing before the activity starts, checking the machine settings regularly and so on. Keywords: Quality Control, M300 Helmet Shell, SQC