Abstract :
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is one of the open dynamic routing protocols and is categorized into the link state routing protocol used in connecting between network areas. OSPF distributes routing table information between routers using area concepts. In using the OSPF routing protocol the main considerations are performance of processor, memory, and bandwidth. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the performance of OSPF routing protocols by determining OSPF area changes including using single area and multi area concepts. This research uses GNS3 simulation software. Parameters used as a reference are latency and throughput. The simulation process is given the loading of data traffic ICMP of 32 bytes, 20,000 bytes, and 65,000 bytes and traffic load ICMP noise from other PCs for each scenario. From the results of research on sampling traffic data 65,000 bytes in each scenario research. It was found that the concept of five areas has the best performance with the latency and throughput of 1385,351 ms and 0,3754 Mbps. In the latency parameter there is a decrease in the value of the single area research scenario of the three areas and the single area against the five areas of 0.945% and 1.917%. In the throughput parameter there is an increase in the value of single area research scenario of three areas and single area to five areas of 0.095% and 1.927%.
Keywords : Traffic Data, OSPF, Latency, and Throughput