STIKES Karsa Husada Garut
Annisa Uswatun Hasanah, annisa
RT Nursing
2024-04-29 11:26:21
Abstract :
The elderly or elderly is someone aged 60 years and over. Elderly people are
more at risk or more likely to experience various diseases, especially
hypertension. Hypertension is generally a disease without which people think that
hypertension is an ordinary disease, because the clinical symptoms that arise in
hypertension include a sore neck, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, high blood
pressure, headaches. The aim of this Final Scientific Work for Nurses is to gain
real knowledge and experience in providing direct and comprehensive nursing
care in a bio-psycho-social and spiritual manner to elderly patients with
hypertension. Nursing problems that arise Risk of ineffective peripheral perfusion
related to hypertension. The results of the intervention carried out showed that the
client complained of dizziness, headaches and reduced weight in the back of the
head, the pain scale decreased to 3 out of 4 (0-10), the dizziness was felt to come
and go less, the problem was partially resolved. After the author carried out
nursing care for Mrs. T with hypertension, the problems found in the patient Mrs.
Only part of it can be resolved because the intervention time is so short. However,
some problems can be resolved partly thanks to collaboration between the author
and nurses, patients and other health teams.