Abstract :
Cellulitis is a common type of skin and soft tissue infection resulting from bacterial
infections that often occur in the skin and subcutaneous tissue whose incidence is
increasing and resulting in a substantial economic and health care burden.
Cellulitis causes redness and inflammation of the extremities, it can also be on the
face, the skin becomes swollen, slippery with pain that feels hot. Other symptoms
are fever, feeling unwell, stiffness can occur (Susanto and Made, 2013). Bacterial,
fungal, viral infections and allergic reactions are the biggest predominance of skin
diseases in Indonesia. In addition to these factors, an unclean environment, lifestyle
and personal hygiene are also causes of skin diseases. The purpose of this scientific
paper is to provide direct and comprehensive medical surgical nursing care with
cellulitis health problems to Mr. D with disorders of the integumentary system:
cellulitis. This nursing care uses a descriptive method in the form of a case study to
explore the problem of medical emergency nursing care through assessment,
diagnosis, planning, implementation of actions, and evaluation of nursing.The
results of the assessment on the client Mr. D established 4 diagnoses, namely: acute
pain, impaired skin integrity, disturbed sleep patterns and risk of infection.
Planning and implementation are supported by supporting facilities and means and
evaluation is carried out properly. Based on the results of the evaluation of nursing
problems in Mr. D, all nursing problems can be resolved because cooperative
clients follow the recommended actions.