STIKES Karsa Husada Garut
Nurul Khoirin Nisa, Nurul
RT Nursing
2024-04-29 13:39:03
Abstract :
The background of making this scientific paper is the high incidence of
pulmonary tuberculosis. According to national data, the incidence of tuberculosis
in Indonesia reaches 316 per 100,000 population. The highest number of cases
was reported in provinces with large populations, namely West Java, East Java
and Central Java. In 2020, the number of TB cases in the three provinces reached
46% of the total TB cases in Indonesia. At the Leles Garut Health Center, cases of
pulmonary tuberculosis are included in the list of the top 10 diseases, which are
feared if they are allowed to worsen the situation and interfere with the activities
of pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers. The general purpose of writing this scientific
paper is to provide nursing care to Mr.'s family. K with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
in Ny. R in Kampung Nangkaleah RT 01 RW 03 Margaluyu Village, Leles
District, Garut Regency which will be held on 29 November 2021 ? 4 December
2021 directly and comprehensively covering bio-psycho-social-spiritual and
cultural aspects through the nursing process. In the preparation of this paper using
a descriptive method, namely by revealing the facts in accordance with the data
obtained. Some of the problems that arose in Mr.'s family. K stands for knowledge
deficit and risk of infection. These problems were resolved with several visits and
therapy. The conclusion in this scientific paper is that the author can carry out
nursing care for clients from the start of assessment, formulating diagnoses,
planning actions, carrying out nursing implementation and evaluation and
documenting the results of nursing care