Abstract :
Over the past decades, companies have been creating and distributing content, what changes is just the medium used to publish these contents. With the internet taking over now, companies mostly publish their content online to attract their customers. Content marketing could be done in many ways, especially combining one aspect with another ? such as a combination of articles, hashtags, videos and many more. With content marketing being such a hit for business and awareness, more and more companies are making use of it. One of the company that is creating a strong content marketing tool is Unilever especially in their hair care division by creating a white-labelled platform called All Things Hair. This research uses All Things Hair as a case study to understand the tool used by All Things Hair in creating content by using B.E.S.T. Formula concept by Joe Pulizzi with AISAS Model as a supporting theory. Based on the result, it is found that All Things Hair?s success is due to following the steps needed in order to create a strong content marketing tool.
Keyword: Content Marketing, B.E.S.T. Formula, All Things Hair, Digital Marketing, Qualitative Research, AISAS Model