Abstract :
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was one of the most compelling mega-regional trade deals. This was a proactive and remarkable step towards more competitive and high-quality economic partnership in the region. Despite TPP being the centerpiece of President Barrack Obama?s strategic pivot to Asia, his successor President Donald Trump?s decided to withdrew from it. Consequently, this raises questions and implications not only to the pact, but also to the region in whole ??affecting externally and even to some extends, the international system. Departing from the above-mentioned context, hence the core question that arises is: ?How does the United States of America?s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership impact the political economy dynamics of the region?? In answering that very question, Hegemonic Stability Theory will be utilized, in order to provide an accurate and in-depth analysis of the motivation behind this maneuver, its implications and what it means going forward in the international cooperation stage. This research unearths the unmentioned reasoning behind United States of America?s decision to withdraw from TPP and how it implicates the international relations dynamics in the region. In this sense, it would be proven that the international system is still being dominated by hegemon, which make it difficult to achieve a fair interdependence mode of interaction.
Keywords: Trans-Pacific Partnership, Mega-Regional Trade Agreement, Hegemonic Stability Theory, International Cooperation, Negotiation, Domination, Interest