Abstract :
This research aimed to analyze the self-presentation of Nipplets? customers using the Dramaturgy theory by Erving Goffman (1959)and the Self-theory by Solomon (2018). Dramaturgy theory consists of front stage behavior and backstage behavior, and the self-image theory consists of ideal self-image and actual self-image. Front stage behavior can be defined as the actor?s performance in front of audiences by looking at the setting background such as cultural values, and norms. This act will affect the actor's performance in any social role. The combination of dramaturgical perspective and the self will not only develop their identity but also produce different results depending on their actions. Throughout the body positivity campaign, Nipplets wants to tackle standard beauty and try to change the audiences? perspectives toward body appearances. Therefore, this study is focused to seek the front stage and backstage behavior of Nipplets customers by blending Dramaturgy theory and Self-theory. The result of this study is that Nipplets body positivity campaign has succeeded in changing 4 out of 5 audience perspectives on beauty standards after being exposed to the brand. It is known that there every people are facing different problems and anxiety about their looks.Some people are trying hard to reach ideal body goals, but some are hiding their insecurity behind their flawless. But, Nipplets campaign here stimulates the informants? thoughts to accept their body's looks unconditionally.
Keywords: Dramaturgy, the self, Body Positivity, Identity, Beauty Standard