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Universitas Mercu Buana
530 Physics/Fisika 
2019-07-18 02:02:40 
Abstract :
In an increasingly competitive business, improving business performance and efficiency in producing and distributing products to consumers is an important function of the implementation of the Electronic Supply Chain Management System (e-SCM) in a company. That system integrates the implementation of supply chain management model with the utilization of technology and internet network. PT Ega Tekelindo Prima is a distributor of Electrical Panel in Indonesia. So far, business communication and recording transactions are only supported by telephone facilities, email and excel software. In addition, the company has not implemented an information system that supports the implementation of supply chain management model in business operations. Therefore, this thesis aims to design e-SCM System that can improve the company's performance in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the business process. In the process of identifying the needs of information systems, researchers use the PIECES analysis method where the analysis will include the identification of various aspects such as performance, information, economy, control, eficiency and services, while in the design of software used waterfall analysis model. The results of this research is the development of e-SCM System that provides functions in managing corporate transaction data with suppliers, customers, courier, and product inventory process as well as financial record keeping supported by database system. Thus expected PT. Ega Tekelindo Prima can improve productivity by streamlining the running supply chain process and streamline the operational costs incurred. Keywords: e-SCM; development, pieces analysis; information system; supply chain management; waterfall; Dalam bisnis yang semakin kompetitif, meningkatkan performa dan efisiensi bisnis dalam memproduksi serta mendistribusikan produk sampai ke konsumen menjadi fungsi penting dari penerapan Sistem electronic Supply Chain Management (e-SCM) di suatu perusahaan. Sistem tersebut mengintegrasikan penerapan model supply chain management dengan pemanfaatan teknologi dan jaringan internet. PT Ega Tekelindo Prima adalah distributor Panel Listrik di di Indonesia. Selama ini komunikasi bisnis dan pencatatan transaksi hanya didukung oleh sarana telepon, email dan software excel. Selain itu, perusahaan belum menerapkan sistem informasi yang mendukung penerapan model supply chain management dalam operasional bisnis. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini bertujuan untuk merancang Sistem e-SCM yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan agar mencapai efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam proses bisnisnya. Dalam melakukan proses identifikasi kebutuhan sistem informasi, peneliti menggunakan Metode PIECES analysis dimana analisa akan meliputi identifikasi dari berbagai aspek seperti performance, information, economy, control, eficiency dan services, sedangkan dalam perancangan perangkat lunak digunakan model waterfall analysis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengembangan Sistem e-SCM yang memberikan fungsi dalam pengeloaan data transaksi perusahaan dengan supplier, customer, courier, dan proses inventory produk serta pencatatan keuangan yang didukung dengan database system. Dengan demikian diharapkan PT. Ega Tekelindo Prima dapat meningkatkan produktivas dengan mengefektifkan proses supply chain yang berjalan dan mengefisienkan biaya operasional yang dikeluarkan. Kata Kunci: e-SCM; perancangan; pieces analysis; sistem informasi; supply chain management; waterfall; 
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Universitas Mercu Buana