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Universitas Mercu Buana
006.696 Digital Video/Video Digital 
2020-03-12 03:33:38 
Abstract :
Penipuan dan penelantaran jamaah haji dan umroh menyebabkan kurangnya kepercayaan dari para calon jamaah terhadap biro perjalanan haji dan umroh. Perancang berkerjasama dengan perusahaan yang berpengalaman dengan membentuk video company profile untuk konten promosi maupun publikasi yaitu PT. Gamal Hikmah Pusaka yang telah berdiri sejak 1996 dan memiliki izin resmi agar bertujuan meningkatkan kembali kepercayaan umat muslim di Jabodetabek. Dalam perancangan ini selaku perancang menggunakan teori Komunikasi Harold Laswell (1948). Who, says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect (how)? atau yang biasa dikenal dengan 5W+1H agar perancangan lebih terfokuskan. serta konsep company profile, audio-visual, teori pesan, new media, youtube, sinematografis, konten kreator, pergerakan kamera, editing, dll. Dengan menggunakan konten video company profile dapat memperluas jangkauan calon konsumen yang sering menggunakan youtube sebagai media informasi mereka. Perancang selaku konten kreator yang bertugas membentuk konsep, mengambil gambar dan melakukan editing telah menyelesaikan sebuah konten video company profile yang kemudian dipublikasi pada akun youtube perusahaan. Hasil media keluaran perancangan ini bersifat informatif dan persuasif seperti membahas tentang perusahaan mulai dari sejarah singkat, visi maupun misi, kelebihan perusahaan dan ajakan kepada para penonton untuk bergabung. Keywords : Konten, Company Profile, Haji dan Umroh Fraud and neglect of pilgrims and Umrah causes a lack of trust from prospective pilgrims to the Hajj and Umrah travel agency. The designer collaborates with experienced companies by desaining a company profile video for promotional and publication content, namely PT. Gamal Hikmah Pusaka, which has been established since 1996 and has official permission to aim at increasing the confidence of Muslims in Jabodetabek. In this design as the designer uses the theory of Communication Harold Laswell (1948). Who, says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect (how)? or commonly known as 5W + 1H so that the design is more focused. as well as the concept of company profile, audio-visual, message theory, new media, youtube, cinematographic, content creators, camera movement, editing,etc.Using company profile video content can expand the reach of potential consumers who often use YouTube as their information media. The designer as content creator in charge of forming concepts, taking footage and editing has completed a company profile video content which is then published on the company's youtube account. The results of this design output media are informative and persuasive such as discussing about the company starting from a brief history, vision and mission, the company's strengths and an invitation to the viewers to join. Keywords : Content, Company Profile, Hajj and Umrah 
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Universitas Mercu Buana