Abstract :
Alcoholic drinks are products that are products that are produced through the fermentation
process of starch and sugar using microbes. Fermentation itself is the process of breaking down
glucose (starch) into carbon dioxide and alcohol. You can choose the source of starch used: tubers,
seeds, and palm plants such as legen or dates. The fermentation process has been known for
centuries. The most widely used microbes in the process of making fermented drinks is yeast from
the saccharomyces cereviceae species.
Most yeast cannot grow when the alcohol concentration is higher than 18 percent. This is
the practical limit for the strength of fermented drinks such as wine, beer and sake (rice wine).
Distillation is needed to produce products with greater alcohol concentrations, even up to 96
percent. In addition to being based on the distillation process, variations in the fermentation
product names are also distinguished based on the raw material used. Beer is made with barley,
corn and wheat, just like whiskey and vodka are made through an advanced process (distillation).
Fermented products are distilled to purify and remove components such as water, so the alcohol
content becomes higher by 40 percent. Beverage who also uses this distillation process called
spirit drinks. Including whiskey, rum, brandy, vodka and tequila.
Tequila is a distillation product made from the fermentation of the blue agave plant that
grows exclusively in Mexico. Tequila is also a basic ingredient of cocktails like margaritas.
Vodka alcoholic drinks that are included in the spirit group. It is usually made from
distilling starch or sugar from seeds and also potatoes. There are also several types of vodka made
from fruit, sugar drops, and even from crystallized sugar fermented by yeast.
Gin is made from the distillation of mashed wheat which is then refined with spices and
juniper fruit trees. Sometimes flavorings are added.
Besides that there are other fermented drinks that we also know for example: yogurt, kefir, and
kombucha. Yogurt and kefir are made from milk by fermentation using lactobacillus bulgarius and
streptococcus thermophilus, while kefir uses kefir grain, a mixture of bacteria and yeast.
Kombucha is a fermented beverage of tea that uses a collection of microbial colonies called scoby
(a bacterial and bacterial yeast symbiotic colony).