Abstract :
Gatot is a traditional food typical of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The term
gatot, seems very funny if someone else has just heard. Gatot is made from cassava.
Boiled cassava is then dried in the sun, not until it is completely dry. However, there
are those who allow cassava to turn black. Cassava which turned blackish, cleaned.
then processed into traditional food. but I chose gatot in making bidaran because
bidaran is made from tapioca flour made from sweet potatoes. therefore I chose Gatot
as asubstitute for tapioca flour.
Most people in the Gunung Kidul area, Yogyakarta, consume gatot as a staple
food. The area is in the mountains, so rice is very expensive and the bias is said to be
difficult to reach, residents there use cassava which is then processed into gatot. My
goal is to choose Gatot in bidaran production because Gatot has a lot of fiber, so it is
good for human health.
Gatot has a lot of nutritional content that is not inferior to other staples such as
rice, tiwel, and corn rice, the amino acid or protein content in gatot is greater than the
ingredients used in making it (cassava). Therefore gatot is very good in making