Abstract :
Yogurt has plenty of nutrition that is good to the body, but not everyone can
consume yogurt which is usually made from animal milk. Probiotics such as
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactococcus thermophilus are used in the making of
yogurt. Those probiotics are cultured in the fermentation process of the milk. A
firm and a hint of sour in taste are the result of milk fermentation in making
yogurt. With whatever milk used in making yogurt, probiotics are good for
human?s digestive system, as it can improve nutrient absorption and aid digestion.
People with milk allergy and vegan became the inspiration of producing
Bean-Yo. Thus, Bean-Yo is a non-dairy/vegan yogurt product. As a vegan yogurt,
it is necessary to add a thickener, such as maltodextrin, a plant-based thickener. It
is needed because without the presence of lactose in milk or skimmed milk, a
vegan yogurt cannot be as firm as a dairy yogurt.
Bean-Yo uses mung bean as the main ingredient because it gives many
benefits for whoever consumed it. Consumption of mung bean may lower
cholesterol to reduce heart disease risk, prevent heat stroke, reduce blood
pressure, aid digestive health, lower blood sugar level, suppress hunger and raise
fullness hormones, and support a healthy pregnancy.