Abstract :
Vegetarian breadfruit croquette is a breadfruit-based food that is processed
into croquette snacks for OVO vegetarian people. We realize that in Indonesia
itself, there is still lack of variation in the processing of breadfruit. Breadfruit is
generally processed into fried or chips only. There are still very few breadfruit
variations in other forms of food. Therefore, we want to create another variation
in breadfruit food that healthy, nutritious and also delicious.
This vegetarian breadfruit croquette will be sold at a restaurant called
'TableRice'. We will build an Indonesian vegetarian restaurant and this croquette
is one of our appetizer menu. Also, this restaurant will sell a variety of delicious
Indonesian vegetarian dishes too. 'TablerRice' will be located in Bali to attract
tourism to try an Indonesian delicious food.
Moreover, this vegetarian breadfruit croquette also will be sold as frozen
food. So, for customers who want to buy for food stock at home or for customers
outside the city, they can also enjoy this delicious vegetarian croquette. We will
cooperate with the shipping expedition to deliver this frozen food safely and
comfortably to the customers homes.
In this research and development assignment, we will develop a breadfruit
croquette recipe for OVO vegetarian. We hope this research can be useful for