Research and Development Final Project "BAPE MEATBALL" (Banana Peels Meatball)
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Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional
Uyanto, Hadi Sebastian
TX Home economics 
2021-10-26 05:45:13 
Abstract :
Bananas are herbaceous fruit plants originating from regions in Asia Southeast (including Indonesia). This plant then spread to Africa (Madagascar), South and Central America. In West Java, bananas are called by Cau in Central Java and East Java called gedang. Banana is one of the fruit plants that has a prospect quite bright, where everyone likes to consume bananas. Plant bananas can live well in areas that have a tropical climate an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Even in dry conditions it still works life, this has to do with the stem which contains water. Banana peels are a considerable amount of waste (banana waste). Banana peels are usually just thrown away and left so that the economic value is low. This is unfortunate because it turns out that banana peels also have many benefits. The nutritional content of banana peels is quite complete, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C and water. These nutritional elements can be used as a source of energy and antibodies for the human body. Banana peel has great potential as a new source of nutrition, which is far more economical, easy, and environmentally friendly. Because it will reduce household waste, food production, etc. With the nutritional content presented previously, surely it's time we start to look at the benefits of this banana peel, especially for health. Plus banana peels can be processed with a variety of food menus that are no less tasty than the results of processed bananas and other fruit 
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Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional