Research and Development Final Project "SAVORY RONDE"
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Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional
Moelijono, Jesslyn Ignacia
TX Home economics 
2021-10-26 05:52:26 
Abstract :
What if we can switch desert into a main dish? That?s what came out of my mind when I think of a brand new dish. Main dish needs to be very nutritious. To attract people to taste your new dish, it must be very unique. Ronde is a Chinese traditional hot desert. It is chewy in the outside and got something in the inside, usually it?s peanut or beans, served in a bowl of hot sweet ginger. People really loves ronde, especially during winter, they search for something hot after having a dinner. I wanted to make something different about ronde. I thought of making ronde into a main course meal. At first, it would be very strange, but it would be very lovely food to be enjoy together with families. I name this main course ronde as Savory Ronde, because doesn?t taste sweet at all. The desert ronde has a round shape, meanwhile, my Savory Ronde will be oval. The chewy part will be made of sweet potato and chicken thighs for the inside. It will be serve in a hot soup. 
Institution Info

Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional