Abstract :
As time goes by, there are so many varieties flavors of foods. There are
sweet, bitter, sour, and spicy. Some are good for human body and some are not.
For children, good food is not necessarily healthy. The most fatal thing is to
disrupt their growt. And especially in their teeth, because the disruption of tooth
function causes them not to smoothyly devouring nutrient intake which has bad
impact such as slower their growth.
By looking at this opportunity, the author took the initiative to make
candy that have many benefits. Becacuse in general children are prohibited from
consuming candy because it will cause toothache. However, the author have a
new innovation by replacing sugar with honey in the contents of our candy snack
products? Duku Jelly Snack? and there is Duku fruit taste that will help smooth
the digestion of children, and it contains honey instead of sugar.