Research and Development Final projecr "PAO-PEE" (Sago Roll Meat)
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Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional
Haryanto, Silviana Meilanny
TX Home economics 
2021-10-26 08:10:15 
Abstract :
Pao-pee is a product made from sago flour. In addition, there are also meat, cheese and other contents that are very complete when enjoyed together. Sago flour itself has a variety of benefits. Sago also contains carbohydrates that are very good as an energy booster for the body. There are several stages in making pao-pee. Starting from cooking various kinds of filling inside and then proceed by mixing other ingredients again to make a leather wrap made from sago flour and eggs. And then the contents are entered then rolled and then can be enjoyed immediately. Pao-pee will be package in a paper bag and will be wrapped in paper wrap. Of course, the food inside remains safe and is guaranteed to be clean too. One pao-pee dish is 150 grams at a price of IDR 18,000. 
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Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional