Abstract :
7AM Spread is made from fruits and veggies that is strawberry, banana, broccoli stem, and spinach. It contains a lot of nutrients. . It?s high on vitamins, good for digestion and prevent cancer. The most important benefits on this pandemic is the spread can increase body immunity. This spread is also high on calcium because it contains eggshell powder. 7 AM spread also use waste ingredients that is broccoli stem . They?re good for skin, improve heart health, and good for weightloss. Lastly, for those who are a lactose-intolerant still can enjoy this spread because the milk is lactose-free.
The special ingredient that we use is porang flour. We choose porang flour as a thickening agent because it?s healthier rather than using sugar. Big amount of sugar isn?t good for health. It can cause diabetic. While porang is low in sugar and calories. So, it?s way healthier for people who diabetic and people on diet. We get it directly from the shops that supplies their porang flour from the local farmers. Therefore, by buying this jar you will help the local farmers.
The reason why i decided to make this spread is because people nowadays like to have a quick breakfast. Considering many people with their busy lives that make it difficult to prepare food. Also, there are still people that doesn?t like to eat fruits and vegetables. This spread will be a game-changer. It?s super quick and healthy. You just need to dip or spread it on your food.
7 AM will be pack in a glass jar so that it will last longer. Not ony that, using a glass jar also will look nice and aesthetic. The glass jar weighted 200gr and it costs IDR80.000.7 AM will innovate many variants in the future. Therefore, the spreads can be distributed to some gift shops and supermarkets so that the product will be known by people.