HEALTHY TOFU (Tofu Made From Almonds and Sunflower Seeds)
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Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional
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2020-01-13 08:47:23 
Abstract :
Tofu is a food that consumed by many people especially in Indonesia. Tofu is a white to pale yellow colored product and has texture somewhat like a soft white cheese or firm yogurt. Tofu is usually made from soy beans. The alternative ingredients for making tofu are almonds and sunflower seeds because both of them have many benefits and nutrients in health and beauty. The health benefits of almonds are extensive, and they are frequently used as a healthy solution for relief from heart and brain disorders, diabetes, constipation, respiratory disorders, coughs, anemia, and impotence, help in hair, skin, and dental care. Besides that, there are quite a few impressive health benefits of sunflower seeds, including their ability to stimulate hair growth, promote heart health, aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent certain cancers. For making this healthy tofu, the ingredients that needed are 500g almonds, 500g sunflower seeds, 100ml vinegar and 3.200ml water. Almonds and sunflower seeds must be washed and then thrown away the husk. Almonds and sunflower seeds must be soaked overnight to make them swell and soft. After the almonds and sunflower seeds are soaked overnight, it must be washed in running water until it cleans. After that, blend the almonds and sunflower seeds with water until it blends and smooth. Then strain the milk. The milk must be boiled in the pan then simmer with low heat. After we put the vinegar and stir it with spatula the curds will separated, take the curds and strain using the cheese cloth then put the curds in the mold. The curds must be pressed with heavy object such as mortar. Based on the calculation, known the nutrition from the healthy tofu are Carbohydrates: 52.09 kcal, Protein: 52.5 kcal, Total Fat: 283.725 kcal and Total Energy 362,188 kcal. One packaging of Healthy Tofu contains 2 pcs of tofu, the price is 27.000idr. The target market for the new product is people on diet and vegetarian people. People on diet usually need more protein, this new product has high protein content and it is suitable for people who are on diet. This new product also suitable with vegetarian people because it has a high protein content and it can substitute the meat. The promotion for the new product will use advertising on social media like Instagram. It is used to introduce this new product and attract customers to buy the product. The advertisement will show all the benefits for health and beauty from this product, the premium ingredients and also hygiene manufacture of this product. This tofu will be selling by online shopping at Instagram in hope of being able to compete with the other regular tofu which is made from soybeans with the consumer target middle until middle up. The suggestions from the author are realizing that the author is not perfect, in the future the author will be more focused and detailed in explaining the paper with more resources that certainly can be accounted for; criticism and suggestions from readers are highly expected for the perfection paper writing in the future; need for further research methods on the benefits and nutrients of tofu made from almonds and sunflower seeds. Keyword: Almonds, Health, Sunflower seeds, Tofu. 
Institution Info

Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional