Abstract :
Kolang Kaling is small to medium in size, averaging 5-7 centimeters in diameter, and has a slightly lopsided, globose to oval shape. The outer shell is smooth, firm, and hard, transforming from green to yellow-black when mature and bearing brown-black spots and discoloration at all stages of maturity. Underneath the thick shell, three translucent-white seeds are chewy and soft, encased in a fibrous interior. The fleshy seeds can be easily removed, and Kolang Kaling has a rubbery texture with a mild, neutral flavor.
Kolang Kaling is available year-round in tropical regions of Asia and Southeast Asia.
Kolang Kaling, botanically classified as Arenga pinnata, are fruits that grow on a tropical palm that can reach up to twenty meters in height and belongs to the Arecaceae family. The Arenga pinnata palm is highly cultivated for its sap, fruit, bark, and leaves, and is found along river banks and forests in Southeast Asia. Also known as Buah Tap in Indonesia and Kaong in the Philippines, Kolang Kaling is favored for its neutral flavor and is popularly consumed as a chewy snack soakedin syrup or consumed as a topping on dessert. Kolang Kaling contains some vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, potassium, iron, and calcium.
Rendang kolang kaling is a savory dish made from kolang kaling with all the Indonesian spices and rendang flavor without losing its nutritions. Every Portions of Rendang Kolang Kaling 300gr will be sold at IDR25.000