Abstract :
Dodol is a traditional food in Indonesia which is quite popular. Dodol is a
type of sweet candy and the base of the candy is glutinous rice flour, liquid and
sugar, and Milk dodol is a dairy product made from three main ingredients like
dodol in general. The ingredients is glutinous rice flour as a binding agent, milk as
a basic ingredient and source of nutrients, and sugar as a preservative and texture
shaper. In addition, some ingredients added so the product have good nutrition
The idea to make Dodol susu kuda liar is to change people perspective that
dodol can only made using high content sugar and not healthy. With our brand, we
hope to change that's perspective. Futhermore, the idea for using wild horse milk
as main ingredients is because I want to tell everyone that wild horse milk is not
only can consume by drink directly but also can be made into various kinds of foods,
for example is 'Dodol Susu Kuda Liar'. The manufacture of milk dodol aims to
diversify food, increase economic value and extend shelf life.
The product will be packed in a bamboo besek contain of 10 pieces of wild
horse milk dodol. The product will be sold at IDR20.000,00.