Abstract :
Banana is the general name given to large herbaceous plants with large, elongated leaves that grow directly from the stem. Banana stems are soft because they are formed from a layer of soft and long midrib. It turns out that banana stems are edible and I chose this material for my RnD.
Otak-otak is a food made from minced mackerel wrapped in banana leaves, grilled. In my RnD I will make otak-otak that made from banana Stem. Banana stem Otak-otak is basically a vegetarian dish that made from garden waste. Banana stem can be eaten after process it properly. Banana stems are usually thrown away or even left to rot, therefore I want to make food made from banana stems that are delicious but also contains nutrients that are good for the body such as carbohydrates, protein and rich in phosphorus, minerals, potassium, calcium, iron.