Abstract :
"Yoghurt is a fermented milk-based food with thermophilic and homofermentative starter microorganism strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus (Meybodi et al., 2020). Yoghurt is a beverage that comes in a variety of forms, from liquid yoghurt to solid Greek yoghurt. Currently, many varieties of yoghurt are transitioning to sachet packaging, which makes them simpler for consumers to ingest immediately. This research aims to develop a new flavor variant of Carica Dieng fruit in response to the growing market demand for yoghurt varieties with new flavor varieties. This study's selection of yoghurt drinks seeks to provide healthy drink delights on the broad market. This study's selection of yoghurt drinks seeks to provide healthy drink delights on the broad market. The yogurt contains 130 calories per package and a probiotic content that aids digestion for those who consume it.
Carica Dieng is a fruit that is exclusive to the Dieng Plateau; it is a distinguishing feature of the Dieng Plateau. Unfortunately, the use of carica fruit is still quite limited; most people only use it to make candies, preserves, and crisps. This is the rationale behind selecting carica fruit as a novel flavor option for yoghurt. In addition to enhancing the advantages of refining carica, it is anticipated that this research will boost the commerce of the Dieng community.
Keyword : Yogurt, Fermentation, Drink