Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri Ottimmo Internasional
Pramana, Rezi Agung Takris
TX Home economics
2024-06-19 04:33:35
Abstract :
"The Product of Gluten-free Purple Sweet Potato Cookies is for baby 8-12 month as complementary food. Purple sweet potato turn into flour that is added to subtitute the use of wheat flour as cookies ingredient. The benefits of purple sweet potato make the cookies contain lots of vitamin, gluten-free and healthier for toddler. This product is in cookies form that easily to handle for babies. The target market of this product is lower middle class. The product price is IDR 10.000 which the product is affordable compare to other brand that selling cookies for complementary food too. Purple Sweet Potato contained anthocyanin, calories and many nutrients that good for health and suitable as a complementary food. The advantages of this product is low price, gluten free, and free from preservatives.
Keywords: Complementary food, Purple Sweet Potato, Baby