Abstract :
Desi Alimatus Faujia. 2017. Influence Flashcard Media Against Ability Children 1-3 years in PAUD Yaa Bunayya Village Beru District Wlingi Blitar. Scientific Writing, Diploma III Diploma Program Blitar, Patria Husada Blitar Health School. Main Advisor Ika Agustina S.ST, M.Kes, mentor escort Nevy Norma R. S, SST. M.Kes
Language has an important role in life, especially for early childhood is 1-3 years of age. And flashcard is a learning media in the form of picture cards.
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of flashcard media on the ability of language of children aged 1-3 years in early childhood PAUD Bunayya Beru Village District Wlingi Blitar.
The method used in this research is using Pre - experimental One Group Pre Test - Post Test design design. The population in this study were all children aged 1-3 years in PAUD YAA BUNAYYA Desa Beru as many as 15 children with total sampling technique. Instrument in this research is through the checklist sheet of language ability in KPSP.
The results showed that the ability of children to increase from before given flascard media intervention from 13.3% of children who have good grades rose to 73.3% of children after being given flascard media intervention. While children who have less value before the intervention given flashcard media as much as 26.7% of children, fell to 0% of children after given flashcard media intervention. This shows that there is influence of flashcard media on language ability of children aged 1-3 years with p Value = 0,002.
Keywords: flascard, language skills, children aged 1-3 years