Abstract :
Safitri, Ayu. 2016, The Relationship of Knowledge and Mother Attitude About Toilet Training in Toddler (1-3 years old) at Posyandu of Gogodeso Village of Kanigoro District, Blitar . Scientific papers , Midwifery Diploma Program , STIKES Patria Husada Blitar . The main Supervisor : Levi Tina Sari, S.KM.,M.Kes , Supervisor companion : Ika Agustina, S.ST.,M.Kes.
Toilet training in children is an attempt to train children to achieve bladder control and bowel movements that may take place in the phase of life of children ages toddler (1-3 years old). In practice the bladder and bowel in children need a good preparation physically, psychologically and intellectually, through the preparation of the expected child is able to control bladder and bowel independently. The research purpose was to analyze the relation of mothers knowledge and mothers attitude about toilet training in children ages toddler (1-3 years old) at Gogodso village of Kanigoro 2016.
The research design used cross sectional. The population of this research was all of mother who has children ages toddler (1-3 years old) at Gogodeso village of Kanigoro. The sample size was 35 respondent with simple totally sampling technique. To identifity the relation between mother knowledge and attitude used Wilcoxon signed ranks. The research result showed the mother knowledge about toilet training was medium more than 57,1% respondent. The mother attitude in toilet training was positive amount 51,4% respondent. There was relation between knowledge and attitude proved by p value = 0,003 (? < 0,05). Based on the research result hoped to health worker to defend the health education activity about toilet training and correct attitude in toilet training.
Keyword : knowledge, attitude, toilet training.