Abstract :
Abstract:Hartanti, fitri.2016. acuyoga effect towards disminorea pain level reduction of teenage girl at 13-15 years old in MTS Maftahul Ulum in Karangsono village, Kanigoro subdistrict, Blitar regency. Scientific paper work diploma III of midwifey Blitar, science of healthy patria Husada Blitar high school. Main preceptor Laily Prima Monica, S.ST.,M.kes, assistant preceptor Levi Tina S, SKM.,M.kes. Dismenorea was painache that simultanously menstruation also consequently causing disturbance at daily activity. To find out Acuyoga Effect Towards Dismenorea pain level reduction of teenage girl at 13-15 years old in MTS Maftahul Ulum Karangsono village, Kanigoro subdistrict, Blitar regency.The methode of this researche have done by pre eksperimental one group pre post test design, were we know as sort researche that using one group of subject also measuring before and after treatment. Population of this researche are 42 teenage girl. On this researche we also use the purposive technique sampling. The sample of this researche 10 teenage girl at 13-15 years old that have experience of dismenorea in MTS Maftahul Ulum in Karangsono village, Kanigoro subdistrict, Blitar regency. The instrumen of this researche using pain scale observation thread. On this researche, researcher using paried sample t test experiment methode wich also helped by SPSS. The result of this researche obtained before treatment (40%) wich get medium painache. And after treatment (60%) a bit painache.The conclusion, there are acuyoga treatment effect towards dismenorea pain level reduction of teenage girl at 13-15 years old by paried sample t test experiment obtained p value = 0,000 =0.05. , consequently p value = 0.000, we hoped this experience result will be able to be additional reference and scientific discourse in educational area also as examine object in advance, especially for this kind of researche.
Key word : dismenorea pain level, Acuyoga