Abstract :
Habib mailana, ,Niswatun 2015. The influence of education in the ability of the breast health care for pregnant woman a trimester iii in the polindes village brass kecamatan kanigoro kabupaten blitar. An essay, Midwifery Departement, Husada Blitar College. Main Advisor: Maria Ulfa, SST ., M.Kes. Vice Advisor: Laily Prima Monica, S.ST., M.Kes.
Good treat the breat after both during pregnancy and maternity,will keep the from of breast research will also affect ASI. Design pro experimental. The population in this research were 20 pregnant woman trimester III in the Polindes Village Kecamatan Kanigoro Kabupaten Blitar. Samples in this research were 15 pregnant women trimester III in the polindes village brass Kecamatan Kanigoro Kabupaten Blitar. Technics the sampling method of that in use is purposive sampling. Conducted research on 4-7 April 2015 in in the polindes village brass Kecamatan Kanigoro Kabupaten Blitar. This statiscal used wilcoxon rank test and sing said using SPSS for window.
That result is that 80% of respondents there not enough to do take care of my career in the education and healt by 80% of responden in a breasth treat to do with the healt care and education, on breast is not enough to change the responden can be capable off as much as 80% of the statistics wilcoxon based on tatistical test wilcoxon get value in sing 0,000. This shows that the influence of education and healt care of the mother brast ability polindes kanigoro in the village of brass made of cement. It is recommended in pregnant women iii trimester will be able to perform breast care with the correct methods and techniques, for breast care is very important for the preparation breastfeeding at birth.
Keyword : Health education, breast threatment