Role Of Relationship With Husband Of Anxiety Pregnant Women Trimester III In Health City Sananwetan Blitar
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STIKES Patria Husada
Dewi, Anggraini Hesti
2018-03-09 07:32:35 
Abstract :
Abstrack : Many pregnant women who experienced anxiety, anxiety is often more common in pregnant women who are not supported by the family environment is mainly due to the lack of a father's role. Based on the results of preliminary studies on Sananwetan health center of 6 pregnant women who do prenatal care, 3 of them say fear and anxiety with her pregnancy and of the four pregnant women are all stated that the role of her husband less. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship with the father's role anxiety third trimester pregnant women in health centers Sananwetan Blitar. This type of research is an analytic correlation with cross sectional study design. The study population many as 90 people. Total sample of 20 respondents. Research technique using purposive sampling. Test analysis using Spearman's rho test. The research results get that almost half of 9 (45.0%) roles quite well in the third trimester of pregnant women in Sananwetan health centers, and half of third trimester pregnant women 10 (50.0%) with mild-moderate anxiety symptoms during third trimester of pregnancy. The test results showed statistical p value = 0.000. Because the p-value (0.000)
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STIKES Patria Husada